About me
I share my passion for literature, film and painting with my interest in space, architecture and scenery. I was born in Argentina and studied Architecture at the National University of La Plata. In 1980 I travelled to Mexico where I studied scenography at the National School of Theatrical Art. It was there that I created my first designs for sets, costumes, and lighting for the stagings of Clementian Otero de Barrios and Ignacio Sotelo, among others. I have lived in Italy and France from 1985 to 1997, working as a set designer especially for dance, collaborating with choreographer Sara Pardo in her creations for Malta and Italy. Before returning to Argentina, I studied film and video at the ESEC (Superior School of Film Studies, Paris). From 1990 I began to work in various exhibitions, and my work encompassed design, installation, atmosphere, and decor. I’ve participated in exhibitions in Japan, France, Argentina and the United States. For ten years now I have been living in Ottawa, Canada.

Marcelo Donato Errecarte