Blood on the cat’s neck. Reiner Werner Fassbinder
In this venture into playwriting Fassbinder presents a character of unknown origin who decides to observe the behaviour of human beings. The scenes are numerous and short and take place in various parts of a contemporary city: a bus, a bar, a bedroom, a stair, a room, an office, a bathroom, the entrance to a club and a park bench.
The staging required a scenography able to adapt to different theatres and to be easily transported on tour to several cities. The first scene is the earth (a painted curtain). The curtain opens but the shape of the planet remains, and within it, all the places being represented. The central staircase is the first element to install, with the angle of the disposition of the two halves of the scenery being defined by the length of the proscenium. Despite covering all the places during the performance, the light focuses on the different ambiences, creating the appropriate spaces without disruption of scene changes.